It’s called Hold Fast to the Arts and asks people to support the performing arts by sponsoring an eligible individual’s dining experience at the restaurant.
Author: Jaci Stephen
Having bought it for such a ridiculous price and also feeling it held a certain sentimental value, I could not bear to part with it. Renting a second little home for us both seemed, strangely, like the more cost-effective option.
The problem with all three volumes is that they make sex sound so… well, nice. Of course, it can be (Netflix’s Bridgerton makes that all too apparent), but where are the sections titled ‘What to do when he’s shagging your best friend,’ or ‘What to do when he’s so tiny, you need sat nav to find it?’
The lack of punctuation in the ‘Florida Man Murders’ star Judge Alex Ferrer… nearly gave one Twitter user a heart attack (thanks a bunch, Fox News – a colon after ‘Murders’ was all it would have taken); I nearly had one myself when I heard about Alex Ferrer on Oxygen.
It is the most wonderful present I have ever received: so breathtakingly thoughtful, and lovingly put together by Kim, who Mum adored (as do I).
Taking children from different social backgrounds, all born in 1956, the documentary series (first aired in 1964) began from the Jesuit premise: “Give me a child until he is seven and I will give you the man.”
A funny thing happened on the way to the mirror. But it’s a house not just of one mirror, but many; and they are, quite simply, life.
Elvis Presley would have been 86 today. I remember the day he died.
She’s funny, gutsy but vulnerable, and has a wardrobe that Elton John would envy.
I like to imagine that at Link’s funeral, as the coffin is about to depart, the lid rises up and a voice says…